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Technische Commissie

The Hockey Academy

Dinsdag 28 september van 19:30 tot 20:30 komt Wouter Tazelaar zijn Hockey Academy presenteren. Dus kom allen kijken en laat je informeren hoe het product te gebruiken en geef je mening er over! 
The Hockey Academy
The Hockey Academy is the name of a multi-media product that has been developed by Wouter Tazelaar. Wouter Tazelaar is a former national dutch player and is currently working as a trainer/coach in the hoofdklasse competition. He is also working at the Dutch Hockey Association as a trainer/coach of the Dutch Under 18 boys team.The Hockey Academy gives a clear view towards developing both techniques and tactics in modern hockey. There are more products in development within the Hockey Academy. The first product of the Hockey Academy concerns testing of basic techniques with the youth.
"No quality without evaluation"


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